——Hundreds of adults silently stand in front of an electrical store, with Nintendo DS in their hands everyday.
It’s not a sci-fi movie.
It’s actually happening in Japan.
Can you guess what it is?
“Surechigai Tsushin” is one of the Nintendo DS features, a wireless communication system that does not need internet connection; the users have to be close from each other to communicate.
In Japan, “Surechigai Tsushin” population is increasing.
The Dragon Quest IX for DS was released this summer and sold 3 millions in 3 weeks.
This game has the special wireless communication feature that the users can exchange their profiles and maps, also upgrade the interior design of an Inn in the game.
More users there, more items they can get.
This is the reason why the gamers get together and play Dragon Quest IX.

Dragon Quest players get together to use “Surechigai Tsushin” system in Akihabara. "sakuraquiet" some rights reserved. flickr
They don’t make eye contacts.
They communicate through DS, just like chatting online.
This is JAPAN Style!
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Wireless games will be much more popular once WiMax kicks in. That’s the next big thing in wireless communications. I guess it’s up to the telecom towers manufacturers now.
I see…