Hollywood Stars on Japanese CM!!

Tommy Lee Jones on a coffee add. the accidentalist some rights reserved. flickr

Tommy Lee Jones on a coffee add. the accidentalist some rights reserved. flickr

Japanese companies often use Hollywood stars to advertise their products.

The list below is the stars who were in the past (some are still on air) TV commercials.


Angelina Jolie – Lipstick.

Arnold Schwarzenegger — Energy drink, Ramen.

Brad Pitt — Cell phone, Jeans, Coffee.

Cameron Diaz — Cell phone.

Dennis Hopper — Bath salt, Car.

George Clooney — Car.

Leonardo DiCaprio — Credit card, Car.

Meg Ryan — Coffee, Tea.

Orlando Bloom — Men’s cosmetics (hair wax).

Scarlett Johansson — Coffee.

Sean Connery — Whiskey.

Sylvester Stallone — Ham.

Tommy Lee Jones — Coffee.


Needless to say, the products that those stars advertised were sold well.

You can watch some of their commercials on YouTube.

Cameron Diaz on a cell phone add. jpellgen some rights reserved. flickr

Cameron Diaz on a cell phone add. jpellgen some rights reserved. flickr




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