Supergiant Melon Bread From Okinawa


I have introduced a high-calorie melon bread the other day. Today, it is about a supergiant melon bread.

Another Japanese blogger is introducing the melon bread which he found in [W:Okinawa].



melon bread




This is the supergiant melon bread. It is produced by an Okinawan baker and it is called ‘salt melon bread.’

The combination of salt and sweet melon bread is unimaginable. The price is a little under 2 dollars.


melon bread


You can see how big it is by comparing it with a head of a person. They are almost the same size.

So, what is it taste like? He says it does not taste really salty, and actually it was quite tasty with a yummy cream stuffed inside of it.


melon bread


They also have a chocolate flavor.

The calorie of the melon bread I introduced the other day was quite shocking, but this one’s calorie can be even higher. LoL

I am curious to know how high this melon bread’s calorie is.


Source: Daily Portal Z


This is JAPAN Style!


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