Kingyo sukui means “Goldfish scooping.”
And yes, it is literally the game that a player scoop goldfish from a big basin.
This game is one of the popular summer festival games in Japan.
You might think Kingyo sukui sounds easy, but it’s NOT because the scooper is made of fragile thin paper (^_^)
So you have to scoop goldfish quickly and carefully when they come to surface.
If you get goldfish, you can take it home with you.
There is “bouncy balls scooping” too, and it’s the same thing.
A player scoop bouncy balls from water basin with the paper scooper but this time, it’s not living thing, so you don’t have to worry about feeding it!
This is JAPAN Style!

Kingyo sukui 01

Kingyo sukui 02

Kingyo Sukui 03
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