“Umeboshi” Sour remedy for hangover and fatigue



"mismisimos" some rights reserved. flickr


Extremely sour, salty and fruity Japan’s favorite pickles, umeboshi, which are salted dried ume (called plum or apricot), sometimes seasoned with shiso leaf, kombu (kelp) or honey.



They are often served with rice in Japan. Especially found on rice in bento box.



"densetu_no_panda" some rights reserved. flickr


In Japan, you can find many umeboshi (or simply called ume) flavored food such as ice cream and chips.


umebosi icecream


umebosi chips


umebosi snack



It is said that umeboshi are good to recover from fatigue or hangover. They are eaten more during summer because they are good remedy for summer weariness too.



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