Tag Archives: Swimming

First Swim of the Year at Odawara

6th of January was shokan, the second coldest day in Japan. The coldest season is yet to come; however, it is still winter and cold for us. An article for…

Traditional Japanese Swimming

  Today, I would like to share  the report of a blogger, Mr. T, about “daimyo procession” held in a swimming pool. Daimyo is “a generic term referring to the…

Wasabi Stories vol.37: “Keeping Motivation is Hard”

  — ABOUT  Wasabi Stories… —   “Keeping Motivation is Hard” Today’s story teller is an Olympic gold medal swimmer, [W:Kyoko Iwasaki]. When she was 14 years old, she won…

Wasabi Stories vol.15: “Don’t Cling Onto Past Success Pattern”

  –Introduction– “Wasabi Stories” is a quotation and summary of a column which touches ones heart or not found on the internet. It is a Japanese famous person’s story extracted…
