Japanese Unique Canned Food in Vending Machines!!


Canned Food Vending Machine. "El Fotopakismo" some rights reserved. flickr

Canned Food Vending Machine. "El Fotopakismo" some rights reserved. flickr

What if you can get cooked food right away by pushing a button?

It’ll be like your dream come true?? (^_^)

Make your dream come true by the canned cooked food vending machines!!

Some Japanese vending machines sell unique canned food such as, ramen, oden, udon noodle, pasta and yakitori.

Although corn soups had commonly been in any vending machines, those cooked food cans hadn’t released till an electrical appliance shop, Chichibu Denki in Akihabara, Tokyo first started selling oden in their vending machine.

Those food cans have a fold fork on it, so you can eat it out of the can.

If you are a little hungry, and want quick food, they will be a perfect snack! 😛

About the price, each canned food costs 300 yen (approx. US$3), while beverages cost 120 yen (approx. US$12).


Canned Miso flavored Ramen. "icoro.photos" some rights reserved. flickr

Canned Miso flavored Ramen. "icoro.photos" some rights reserved. flickr

Canned Miso flavored Ramen (put in a dish). "icoro.photos" some rights reserved. flickr

Canned Miso flavored Ramen (put in a dish). "icoro.photos" some rights reserved. flickr


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