Sushi and ramen might be some kind of Japanese fast food in your country as well.
Certain number of people must be eating Japanese instant noodles at home nowadays.
So, I got a food from someone. It was the first time I tried it. So let me introduce what the food was.
It was Japanese ‘Sansai okowa’ (sticky rice with wild vegetables).
Okowa is a type of sticky rice which is a bit harder than regular rice.
The package is like this. At a first glance, I thought it was difficult to prepare…
Actually, it was so easy!
What I had to do was just pour some water in it and wait for a while.
There were dried wild vegetables with powder seasoning and a spoon inside of it.
First, take a spoon from the packet
and sprinkle the powder seasoning over the rice.
It looks like this after sprinkling the powder.
You cannot eat it yet.
Next, pour some hot water.
Pour hot water half-full of the packet.
It does not look attractive to look at..
Then seal the packet like the illustration, and wait for a while.
You have to wait for 1 hour if you use cold water.
And it takes about 30 minutes if you use hot water.
Done! ^_^
It is boring to eat just the rice,
so I made instant miso soup along with it.
I used the spoon to eat the rice. Yummy!
Finished in 10 minutes:)
I do not think this kind of instant food is unusual, but seeing an instant food containing wild vegetables and water-enabled like this is the first time for me. That is why I wanted to introduce this product.
I thought it was just an instant food, but it was really yummy.
It can be stored for a long time and you can cook it with cold water. I can tell you this is the most convenient Japanese food.
I am not sure if you can purchase it in your country. If you want to try it, please let me know. ^_^
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