Cellophane Tape Art by Japanese Artist Ryo Sehata

You may sometimes use cellophane tape at home, work or school; it is part of our life. In Japan, there is an artist who creates 100% cellophane tape art. His name is Ryo Sehata and he started to present his cellophane tape art in 1999.


Images from tokyomx video.


The picture is from his exhibition held at Nerima Museum two years ago. It is hard to tell by the picture but they were made of 100% cellophane tape. He makes core with cellophane tape and wraps it with cellophane tape; therefore, it takes several months to complete one piece, and more than a year for the 2-meter huge pieces.

According to the artist, it is important for him to stick to binding everything from beginning without using core made from other materials. Shells, babies, dogs, wall hanging art, various cellophane tape art are shown in the artist website. They are really amazing! You should go see them (^_^)

Ryo Sehata ‘s website



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