Ideal Income of Future Husbands and Wives

A few decades ago, it was often said that Japanese single ladies are highly interested in ticking each box of ‘‘3 highs – high income, high academic achievement, high (tall) height!! – ” to find an ideal future husband.  But are we still having a similar trend now?  Today’s article introduces Japanese young generations’ view on future husband/wife hunt focusing on income.


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Results of government survey revealed that just over a half of young generations in Japan consider remaining single throughout your life is not ideal.  Well, this is just about values of each person, but the statement also means that almost a half of people think it is OK to be a single all your life.  I can see that people’s view has been changed over a few decades, but how about people’s view on partner’s income?

According to an article, more and more people nowadays believe that higher income is not necessary to choose a right person. To prove this, 30% thinks monthly salary of 200k-300k yen (US$2,060-) is reasonable level, over 15% answered ‘income level doesn’t matter”, and 15% answered 300k~400K.  I can see that some people’s expectation remains high, but others are looking for somewhere reasonable or average.  After the bubble burst, people’s mind set did change dramatically and more people believe in quality of life, and rather prefer having common views, hobbies with their future partner and values kindness and health of their partners.

I can see that people are more focused on long-term perspective than being short sighted and look for immediate change -i.e. people rather prefer to grow a little happiness gradually keeping a life simple than getting married to millionaire to have a dramatic change in your life- when it comes to marriage nowadays, and value little happiness comes from quality relationship rather than materialistic wealth. It may sounds simple, but I agree with young people valuing true happiness in their life.


What do you think about today’s article?

Please let me know about the trends in your country, too 🙂


Source: web R25


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