Japanese Kimono Style Outfits for Dogs


There are some controversies about the necessity of pet clothing. Some people think having pets wear clothes is not a good idea. However, they may change their minds after seeing these cute outfits (^^).



"Esalota" some rights reserved. flickr


These are Japanese summer clothes called yukata. Yukata are usually made of cotton, so your pets can stay cool even in the hot weather!? The belt, called obi, is tied in a ribbon around the pet’s middle and the bow is centered on the pet’s back. This is the most kawaii (cute) way.




"KetaiBlogger" some rights reserved. flickr



This is a very formal and traditional outfit for men called montsuki-haori-hakama. Montsuki are kimono displaying a coat of arms, haori are half length coats, and hakama are the roomy bottom parts. For people, hakama and haori are usually worn over montsuki. But for pets, this complicated layered outfit is made into one piece, for the sake of ease, and to better fit the dog’s body.



"ihorner" some rights reserved. flickr


This is a traditional straight-sleeved coat called a happi. Happi are usually worn at festivals, and the kanji on the back means “festival”. Oh, how cool he (or she) looks!

If you have a dog, maybe you should let it try a traditional Japanese outfit! Very unusual! 😉



This is JAPAN Style!



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