Wide varieties of energy drinks are sold in Japan, and they are usually in hand sized bottles. Since some of them are available in other countries, you may familiar with them.

Let me introduce top 5 Japanese energy drinks that Japanese working bees love.
#1: Lipovitan (Libogen and Livita) manufactured by Taisho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Ingredients: taurine, caffeine, etc.
There are 21 kinds of Lipovitan drinks in Japan. The original Lipovitan D has 1,000 mg of taurine.
#2: Oronamin C manufactured by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Corporation
Ingredients: vitamin C, B2, B6, isoleucine, etc.
The official website has recipes some using this drink, including Oronamin Milk (mix Oromnamin C and milk 1:1) and Oronamin beer.
#3: Yunker Kotei Eki manufactured by Sato Pharmaceutical Corporation
Ingredients: Chinese herbs and caffeine, etc.
There are over 30 kinds of Yunker for business men, women, and even for children.
#4: Chocola manufactured by Eisai Corporation
Ingredients: vitamin B2, B6, biotin, yokuinin (adlai), glucuronolactone, etc.
This is more like supplemental drink to cure rough skin, pimple, and oral ulcer. There is non caffeine version of it too.
#5: Tiovita manufactured by Taisho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Ingredients: taurine, vitamin B, carnitine chloride, etc.
Very similar to Lipovitan drinks. Popular among students preparing for entrance examination.
Source: goo ranking, survey “What energy drink do you drink to fire up?” conducted July 2010
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