“The fact that having a work brings people a smile and restores their confident.”
I wrote about a business establishment which supports selling products made by people who lost family, friends, town, work and almost all important things in their life due to the Great East Japan Earthquake under this theme last week.
Today, I would like to introduce another item from those unique items to support reconstruction of Japan!
After the earthquake and tsunami, there were vast amount of wreckage of building, ships etc left on the land. In order to reconstruct towns, people first have to get rid of those wreckage and rubble on the land, but sweeping out the wreckage requires huge amount of resources, and of course, damping those rubbles are also not free of charge.
So, hoping to reduce such rubbles in the areas and creating a work for people in the area at the same time, a project team started to create key rings using those wreckage and rubbles. When 1 million piece of the rubble key rings are sold, this automatically means that 1 ton worth of rubbles are sorted out.
Clearing the area and raising money for the area; I like the system behind this product
So here is the procedure how the key ring is made from rubbles.
FYI, the product is usually sold for 600 yen (US$6.5), and 100yen goes to the maker, and the rest is used for material fee, shipping cost, admins fees. The breakdown may not sounds too impressive in terms of payment to the maker; however, generally one maker can make 6-7 pieces per hour, so payment-wise, it is just equivalent to general part-time work payment. It may sound a very small step, but this is a very important step not only for help reconstructing the area but also for keeping the bond between those who have affected by the earthquake/ tsunami and who are from other area.
So far so forth, over 450 key rings are sold, but I really hope that this project do continue and succeed in the future so that it can be a real help of the area’s reconstruction (><)
What do you think about today’s article?
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Source: Rakuten Ichiba
This is JAPAN Style!
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