Bandai’s Making Stationary series meets young girls’ wish to make cute, original stationary.
The series includes the eraser designing toy Orikeshi and the pencil decorating toy Decoen.
The Orikeshi comes with eraser material sticks, tweezers, and pattern sheets. To make an original erase, line eraser material sticks in Orikeshi, and water the eraser and microwave it for one minute.
”Orikeshi Demonstration Video”
Orikeshi is short for original keshigomu, which translates eraser in English. This type of fun erasers are often hard and doesn’t work, but the erasers made with Orikeshi does work fine as general erasers.
The Decoen comes with plain pencils, design tapes, stickers, and bling stones. Decorating a pencil with Decoen is easy. Wrap the tape around a pencil evenly. Put stickers on it, and protect them with clear tape. Add bling stone on the edge of the pencil to make it cuter!
“Decoen Demonstration Video”
Decoen is short for decorated enpitsu, which translates pencil in English.
“Deco” art and crafts are very popular among Japanese women. The word deco came from the English word, decoration, and it basically means decorating personal things like mobile phone, mirror, handy music player, and handy games, with crystals or miniature ornaments such as realistic fake sweets.
Now young girls enjoy deco art in their own ways and exchange their cute deco stationery with friends and classmates.
Source: Bandai Release News on Decoen and Orikeshi (Japanese)
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