Official Lucky Banana of Tokyo Marathon

Today, I would like to introduce an article about special banana, which became an official banana of Tokyo Marathon.


tokyo marathon

"mako10" some rights reserved. flickr


Tokyo Marathon is a very popular marathon event in Japan, and getting a ticket to this event is highly competitive.  Precisely, there can be 10 times as many applicants as can be accepted…

Wow, running marathon itself sounds pretty tough for me, but gaining a ticket to the event is also very difficult~(-_-;)

According to the article, the element making this marathon so special is not only such competitiveness but also bananas provided during the race.  This particular variety of banana was carefully chosen from 100 varieties by a fruit company for lucky contestants, who successfully won the ticket to the race.  This lucky banana actually received very positive feedback in every aspect (sweetness, smell and texture) at tasting investigation.


OK, so here is the lucky banana!


Photo: Dole HP


This banana costs 180yen (US$2.2) per a finger (not a hand of banana!), so it’s not very cheap, but a photo is never be enough to tell the actual taste, so I would love to try once~.  Then, we could probably share the luckiness, too☆


What do you think?

‘Wait a minute, our banana should be far better than that!’, ‘Nah, xxx (fruit) of my country must be more delicious than that_(_^_)_’, etc. etc…  I’m looking forward to hearing from you☆


Source: Walker Plus


This is JAPAN Style!