No.1 Chicken Karaage of Karaage GP!!

Chicken Karaage is one of the most well-loved food in Japan regardless of age and gender, and this is a food we can be so passionate about.  This can be proved by the fact that we have a chicken karaage exclusive event, called Chicken Karaage Grand Prix.


japanese chicken karaage

"kagen33" some rights reserved. flickr


According to an article, the 3rd Chicken Karaage GP was held last April to decide the best karaage in Japan, and 134 shops were nominated, and total of 36k votes were given to all karaage, which showed that the 3rd GP was more popular than the 2nd GP!

As there are a variety of flavours, all nice karaage were divided into each section by frying methods, flavour etc.

So, here is some of those won the first place in each section!

Chicken karaage from Nakatsu-city, Oita.


japanese karaage chicken

"yuichirock" some rights reserved. flickr


And another one from Kyoto-city, Kyoto.


japanese karaage snack

"sakaki0214" some rights reserved. flickr


Oh, I like both, but I particularly like the look of the first one as they looks so nice and crispy…!! (><)

Also, from the 3rd GP last year, new section, called “new ingredients section” was created, and soy meat karaage was chosen as the best in this section.  It is good to know that now vegetarian people can also enjoy karaage!


What do you think of today’s article?

Please let me know of your favourite Japanese food 🙂


Source: web R25


This is JAPAN Style!