The Most Expensive Soft Drink Vending Machine in Japan

One of the topics I pick up various times in Japan Style is things Associated with “Vending machine”. I like vending machines very much, so I got into picking up the topic. ^_^

So, let me introduce you a blog post regarding a vending machine again today. When I was surfing the net, I found an interesting blog post.

Anyway, please take a look at the picture.


vending machine


They are regular soft drinks. Apparently, there is nothing special. But, please note the price of the drinks. One costs 1,000 yen (US$12)!  😯

The sign says, “The most expensive soft drinks in Japan”. It can be the most expensive soft drinks in the world not in Japan. LoL


vending machine


You have a chance to win fancy prize. That is why it is so expensive. It is hard to see in the picture, but the prize seems like things like limited-line stickers and cards of cartoons.


vending machine


The note of caution says, “It does not mean the prize come with all the soft drinks. The more expensive the drink is, you have more chance to win the prize.”



Well, I am at a loss for words. LoL

It is a good idea to sell soft drinks to win the prize in a vending machine (I am half-appalled.)

So, it was about a vending machine that sells the most expensive soft drinks in Japan. ^_^


Source: Daily Portal Z


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